Major Project - Project Management


29/03/2022(Week 1) - 28/06/2022(Week 14)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong 0340310
Major Project


Week 1(29/03/2022)
For the FYP, I am required to produce a standalone portfolio artefact. Mr. Asrizal briefed us that the idea can derive from our dissertation, 17 sustainable development goals, or we can search for a company to produce an individual project for them. There are some advice given by the lecturer.
1)Know the Pros and Cons of your topic, and try to balance your workload based on what you like and what you are good at.
2)Find the target audience of your topic
3)What is the message you want to deliver from your work?
4)Prepare multiple ideas with details and structure.

I decided to develop my FYP with the 17 sustainable developments goals, below are the brainstorming that I sketched in my notebook. I tried to come out the idea with these 5 topics. (Fig 1.01-1.04)

1)Gender Equality 
2)Climate Action 
3)Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 
4)Life Below Water 
5)End Poverty  

Fig 1.01 Sketches 1

Fig 1.02 Sketches 2

Fig 1.03 Sketches 3

Fig 1.04 Sketches 4

After the brainstorming, I decided to focus on Climate Action, Life Below Water and End Poverty. Below is the First proposal that I prepare to show Mr Asrizal.

Week 2(05/04/2022)
I presented my proposal to Mr Asrizal, here is the feedback given.

1. The first idea have more possibility compares to the second idea and third idea, it will be interesting to work on.
2. Figure out which point under Climate Action is match to your ideas.
3. Figure out how many consequences and the causes so we can find out how many illustration I am going to work on.
4. There is possibility on the 3D print artwork.
5. Next week shows a more detail proposal.

Hence, I started to collect data about greenhouse effects. I tried to figure out the causes and the consequences of the greenhouse effects. Below is the data collected.(Fig 1.05)

Fig 1.05 Research data

After that, I come out with the second proposal.

Week 3(12/04/2022)
I showed the second proposal to Mr. Asrizal, here is the feedback given.

1. Decide the size of your illustrations, If you are going to create a motion graphic the size should be 1920x1080.
2. Make sure your collateral is eco-friendly so that matches your topic and objectives.
3. List out all the final outcomes on 1 page. (How many illustrations, GIFs, videos and etc)

Hence, I decide to use 3000px*3000px for my illustration as the square size is suitable for posting on social media and for collateral items' printing. The collateral items will be two tote bags and one linen table cloth. These collateral materials will be eco-friendly as well.

I came out with 3 scenes drafts, all of the scenes include characters that are acting as an animal. Below are the drafts.(Fig 1.06-1.11)

Fig 1.06 Hurricanes draft 1 (Gesture 1)

Fig 1.07 Hurricanes draft 1 (Gesture 2)

Fig 1.08 Hurricanes draft 1 (AO version)

Fig 1.09 Unbalanced Biodiversity + Deforestation draft 1

Fig 1.09 Unbalanced Biodiversity + Deforestation draft 1(AO version)

Fig 1.10 Floods draft 1

Fig 1.11 Floods draft 1 (AO version)

I include these drafts into the google slides and update the contents and details based on the feedback given. Below is the third proposal I am going to show my supervisor -Ms. Anis.


Week 4(21/04/2022)
The first consultation with Ms. Anis is held on Thursday 1pm-4pm, I showed my proposal and explain the whole plan of my project to Ms. Anis. Here is the feedback given.

1. Table cloth is interesting and good as my project's collateral item, but a tote bag might not be suitable.
2. It will be good if I manage to have a physical frame(Digital smart frame) that is playing my animated GIF when I exhibit the final artwork. And I can decorate the frame to make it better to fit with my digital artwork. Below is the reference link provided by Ms. Anis.

3. For the Deforestation + Unbalanced Biodiversity scene, I can have an animation that shows the process of the trees decreasing and the animals increasing at the same time. The sky can turn from daylight to night as well.

Below is the evidence of the consultation with the supervisor. (Fig 1.12)

Fig 1.12 Online consultation with supervisor using Discord

After getting the feedback, I continue to come out with the drafts of the 4 scenes.
Below are the drafts.(Fig 1.13-1.18)

FIg 1.13 Drought draft 1

Fig 1.14 Drought draft 1 (AO version)

Fig 1.15 Global Warming draft 1 

Fig 1.16 Global Warming draft 1 (AO Version)

Fig 1.17 Ice Melting draft 1

Fig 1.18 Wildfire draft 1

After coming out with all scenes' drafts, I started to work on the Hurricanes scene. I come out with the line art by referring to these environment designs. (Fig 1.19-1.22)

Fig 1.19 Reference from Pinterest

Fig 1.20 Reference from Pinterest

Fig 1.21 Reference from Pinterest

Fig 1.22 Reference from Pinterest

Below is the Hurricanes scene's line art. There is no line art for the sky because I prefer to have oil painting kind of style for it. (Fig 1.23)

Fig 1.23 Hurricanes scene's line art

I started to color the scene after finishing the line art. However, I might add more detail depending on the final outcome. Here is the Hurricane scene at around 60% of completion. I try to make the whole environment consistent by using a dull color style and I think it can give the feeling of "the calm before the storm".  (Fig 1.24)

    Fig 1.24 Hurricanes draft 2 (60% of completion)

I also created new google slides to present the progress based on the last consultation's feedback. Below is the fourth proposal.


 Week 5(28/04/2022)
I present and showed Ms. Anis the new progress. Here is the feedback given.

1. After the consultation, we decided to use Ipad and a stand as one of the collateral items to display the final outcome during the final presentation.
2. Another collateral item is to create an Instagram account and post the final outcome, it is important to design the appearance and include descriptions for the Instagram posts.
3. Hence the final decision of collateral items are screen display, table cloth, and social media account with the posts.
4. For the table cloth printing, I am suggested to look for T-shirt printing, silk screen printing, and table matte printing kinds of shops.
5. For the Hurricane scene, make sure you animate the hurricane.

Below is the evidence of consultation with the supervisor. (Fig 1.25)

Fig 1.25 Online consultation with supervisor using Discord

I continue to work on the Hurricane scene, below is the third draft of Hurricanes scene. (Fig 1.26)

Fig 1.26 Hurricanes draft 3

I also came out with deforestation + unbalanced biodiversity scene's line art. As you can see, there are different places' animals become homeless. For example, tiger and lion are living together which leads to unbalanced biodiversity. (Fig 1.27)

Fig 1.27 Deforestation + Unbalanced Biodiversity scene's line art

Week 6(05/05/2022)
There is no consultation with my supervisor due to the Hari Raya holiday. However, I updated my progress in the proposal below as a weekly update.

Week 7(12/05/2022)
This week, I continue to color the second scene of the illustration after I finalized its line art. Below is the final line art and final outcome of the Deforestation+Unbalanced Biodiversity scene. (Fig 1.28-1.29)

Fig 1.28 Deforestation + Unbalanced Biodiversity scene's line art

Fig 1.29 Deforestation + Unbalanced Biodiversity (Final Outcome)

After that, I moved on to design the third scene which is the Wildfire scene. Below is the first draft of the Wildfire scene. (Fig 1.30-1.31)

Fig 1.30 Wildfire scene's line art

Fig 1.31 Wildfire draft 1 (In progress)

For the collateral item, I want to present the illustration and animation by holding the Ipad on a stand that looks like a log because it really matches my topic. Below is the reference for the Ipad stand. (Fig 1.32)

Fig 1.33 Log Phone & Ipad stand

I updated my new progress on the proposal slides below.

I consulted with Ms. Anis, below are the feedbacks.
1. I discuss with Ms. Anis that I am afraid is unable to print my illustration on linen table cloth because the printing seller told me linen is difficult to print complicated image. Ms. Anis told me if really not able to come out with a table cloth, I can make a mock-up of the table cloth and t-shirt and post it on social media which means I am promoting my skills and the topic also.
2. Ms. Anis think the log Ipad stand is really a good idea.
3. For the Hurricanes scene, try to make the foreground darker so it gives more contrast to the whole scene and manages to separate it clearly into the foreground, middle ground, and background. Other than that everything looks fine.

Below is the evidence of consultation with the supervisor. (Fig 1.34)

Fig 1.34 Online consultation with supervisor using Discord

After the consultation, I move on to revise the Hurricane scene and complete the wildfire scene. It is really challenging in terms of creating a burning feeling in the whole scene to come out with a helpless situation for the character. Below is the final outcome of the wildfire scene. (Fig 1.35-1.36)

Fig 1.35 Hurricane (Final Outcome)

Fig 1.35 Wildfire (Final Outcome)

After that, I start to draw the line art and add some basic colors for the drought scene. Below is the progress. (Fig 1.37-1.38)

Fig 1.36 Drought scene's line art

Fig 1.37 Drought draft 1

 Week 8(21/05/2022)
This week we are assigned to prepare a presentation slide that explains our project and shows the latest progress. Below is the presentation slide.

I showed it to Ms Anis before the presentation, and she said everything is fine but I have to explain why I choose digital illustration to achieve my target. With the explanation, I can give more weight to the project. Hence, I added one slide before the objectives to explain the reason. 

On Friday, I presented my projects to all the lecturers that attended the class. Lecturers advised me that if I couldn't get my table cloth before the final presentation, I need to have a backup plan which is creating mockup images. It is better to have a mockup table cloth image that includes all the illustrations in one cloth. Other than that, everything seems good and fine. I am pretty surprised that my project is highly accepted even though there are a lot of things that still can improve. But it really gives me confidence especially since this illustration project is actually what I love to do. Mr Shamsul also asked me to provide some assistance in terms of the colouring to other students, I definitely will try my best to help other people as well.  

Week 9(26/05/2022)
This week, I continue to work on the Drought scene as well as the Floods scene. Basically, the Drought scene shows the awkward fish standing by the dried river. The Floods scene is based on a human city, which leads to a sarcastic environment that is suitable for some animals to live in. Below are the final outcomes.  (Fig 1.38-1.40)

Fig 1.38 Drought(Final Outcome)

Fig 1.39 Floods scene's line art

Fig 1.40 Floods (Final Outcome)

Based on last week's feedback, I come out with a backup plan to solve the situation if I couldn't get my printed table cloth before the final presentation. I also updated this week's illustration progress. Below is the new proposal slide.

I showed the new progress to Ms Anis, here are some of the feedback given.
1. I have to come out with a catchy title for my project which I can use for the social media account name as well. Maybe there is any Chinese word that is related to a character with the costume? But keep in mind that an English title is necessary. 
2. For the social media account's profile picture, I can either design a logo or just use one of the scene's characters.

Below is the evidence of quick consultation this week.

Fig 1.41 Online consultation with supervisor using Discord

Week 10(02/06/2022)
This week I tested the social media account's profile picture by using one of my characters in the illustration. The image below is my personal Instagram account, I think the profile picture looks good and doesn't blur. (Fig 1.42)

Fig 1.42 My personal Instagram account for profile picture testing

Other than that, I also did some research on Instagram's layout design. I found there is a Japanese singer group that has an appealing design on its Instagram account. I think the description of its posts can be referred to for my social media post later. (Fig 1.43-1.47)

Fig 1.43 Instagram layout design reference 1

Fig 1.44 Instagram layout design reference 2

Fig 1.45 Instagram layout design reference 3

Fig 1.46 Instagram layout design reference 4

Fig 1.47 Instagram post's description reference 

After that, I moved on to complete the Ice Melting scene. I mainly want to convey that melting is happening due to the rubbish. And the creatures in this place looks pretty sad because they don't have any place to live. Below is the final outcome of Ice Melting scene. (Fig 1.48-1.49)

Fig 1.48 Ice Melting scene's line art

Fig 1.49 Ice Melting scene (Final Outcome)

I also came out with some options for the title by referring to some of the movie and novel titles. (Fig 1.50)

Fig 1.50 My project's title options

Below is the new proposal slide.

Below is the feedback given by the lecturer.
1. Ms. Anis said she really likes the Ice Melting scene and thinks I manage to convey the emotion I want because she does feel sad for the creatures in this scene.
2. We decide to make the title called "Windows into Disasters"
3. Make sure later in your social media posts, explain what the characters are facing in each scene, then go into the causes of those disasters.
4. For the global warming scene, version 1 seems to be better as I want to show the temperature is rising, the version 2 is more like a human is so small compared to the earth.

Below is the evidence of consultation in this week. (Fig 1.51)

Fig 1.51 Online consultation with supervisor using Discord

Week 11(09/06/2022)
I move on to complete the final scene which is the Global Warming scene. I think it is much easier for me to complete this illustration after getting the experience to complete the previous 6 scenes. Below is the final outcome of the Global Warming scene. (Fig 1.52-1.53)

Fig 1.52 Global Warming scene's line art

Fig 1.53 Global Warming scene draft 1

I also received the printed table cloth and the stand for the iPad. The color of the table cloth is darker than the original illustration, but it is still acceptable. It seems like everything is on the right track. (Fig 1.54-Fig 1.58)

Fig 1.54 Table cloth 1 (40cm*40cm)

Fig 1.55 Table cloth 2 

Fig 1.56 Table cloth 2 (80cm*80cm with 15cm empty space)

Fig 1.57 Wood Ipad stand 

Fig 1.58 Wood Ipad stand

Below is the proposal slide's update for this week.
Below is the feedback given by Ms. Anis.
1. For the Global Warming scene, try to make the character more sick by using a more red color on his face, and the thermometer's red should be brighter.
2. Try to take better photos of the table cloth.
3. It is better to take off the shell of the Ipad during the final presentation.

Below is the evidence of consultation with the supervisor using Discord.

Fig 1.59 Online consultation with supervisor using Discord

Week 12(16/06/2022)
Based on last week's feedback, I took some photos for my table cloth with suitable cutlery. Below are the photos of printed items. (Fig 1.60-Fig1.66)

Fig 1.60 Table cloth on display 

Fig 1.61 Table cloth on display 

Fig 1.62 Table cloth on display 

Fig 1.63 Table cloth on display 

Fig 1.64 Table cloth on display 

Fig 1.65 Table cloth on display 

Fig 1.66 Table cloth on display 

 After that, I try to make the Global Warming scene's character sicker by adding more red color and also brightening the thermometer's red.

Fig 1.67 Global warming scene (Final Outcome)

I also updated four animated illustrations with subtle movement and came out with the bio of the social media account after discussing it with Ms. Anis.  (Fig 1.68)

Fig 1.68 Social media account's Bio

Animated Drought draft 1

Animated Flood draft 1

Animated Hurricane draft 1

Animated Melting Ice draft 1

I showed Ms. Anis this week's update in the proposal below.

Below is the feedback given by Ms. Anis.
1. The Bio is ok.
2. Printed item's photos seem good.
3. The animated Flood scene and Melting Ice scene are ok. For the Drought scene try to make the character has a hard breathing kind of movement so it matches the background of this scene. For the Hurricane scene, try to add up and down movement to the tornado so it is more alive.
4. I need to add my signage and creative common icon in my illustration and video so it can protect my benefit.

Below is the evidence of consultation with the supervisor through Discord. (Fig 1.69)

Fig 1.69 Online consultation with the supervisor using Discord

Week 13(23/06/2022)
I move on revise and animate the illustrations based on the feedback last week. Below are the revised animated illustrations and new animated illustrations.

Animated Hurricane draft 2

Animated Deforestation+Unbalanced Biodiversity draft 1

Animated Global Warming draft 1

Animated Wildfire draft 1

Animated Drough draft 2

I only add the signage and creative common icon on one illustration to let Ms. Anis check first. It is on the right bottom side of the illustration. (Fig 1.70)

Fig 1.71 Signage and creative common icon attempt

I updated this week's progress in the proposal and showed it to Ms. Anis.

Below is the feedback given by Ms. Anis.
1. All the animated illustrations seem fine.
2. The signage and creative common are ok, I can proceed to add it to all the illustrations and animation.
3. I can proceed to prepare the social media account.

Below is the evidence of consultation with the supervisor using Discord. (Fig 1.72)

Fig 1.72 Online consultation with the supervisor using Discord 

Week 14(30/06/2022)
I start to prepare the social media account using Instagram. I decide to use this kind of layout design for each scene. (Fig 1.73)

Fig 1.73 Instagram layout reference

I showed this to Ms. Anis and she said this looks good, she reminds me to post the photo of the table cloth and wood stand as well. (Fig 1.74)

Fig 1.75 Instagram layout design

I also showed her how will the description looks like. She thinks it is ok as it is short, precise, and straight to the point. Based on this feedback, I move on to complete the social media posts. I also created a teaser for the project. To match with Instagram reel's size, I adjust a little bit on each scene. Below is the teaser.

Below is the link for the social media account.

Below is the final outcome of the project.

Fig 1.76 Deforestation & Unbalanced Biodiversity

Fig 1.77 Wildfire

Fig 1.78 Melting Ice

Fig 1.79 Hurricane

Fig 1.80 Global Warming

Fig 1.81 Flood

Fig 1.82 Drought

Animated Deforestation & Unbalanced Biodiversity

Animated Wildfire

Animated Melting Ice

Animated Hurricane

Animated Global Warming

Animated Flood

Animated Drought

Below is the compilation of the project.


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