Motion Graphic & Compositing - Exercises


01/04/2021(Week 1) - 22/04/2021(Week 4)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Motion Graphic & Compositing
Task 1



Week 1(01/04/2021)
In the first week, we were briefed by our lecturer, Mr. Fauzi, about the upcoming tasks that we would work on. After that, he showed us some senior's works as a reference to let us have an idea about what Motion Graphic is. 

We were tasked to create a Pinterest board that contains our references so Mr. Fauzi can have a better idea of what we trying to achieve in our works. Also, we need to create an e-portfolio to show our process and reflection of every work. 

For the first task, we were told to find some books/magazines to cut any graphic or information which we interested in. We had to compose at least 3 different compositions and show him in the next class.

I found some k-pop magazines and tools which can be used in the first task. I use stickers instead of glue because my glue is finished. (Fig 1.01)

Fig 1.01 Materials 

The graphical elements that I interest in are mostly small in size. It is a challenge for me to create a good composition on a big paper. I tried to create my first composition, it looks quite decentralized, and the element doesn't seem related. (Fig 1.02)

Fig 1.02 Composition #1

Proceed to the second composition, I tried to centralized these elements and make the eyes be the main objects. However, it doesn't work. (Fig 1.03)

Fig 1.03 Composition #2

In the third composition, I started to figure out how to compose these elements. I combined french fries, an astronaut, and a cow's body to make these things look like a hat. However, I couldn't figure out how to place those words in a good composition. (Fig 1.04)

Fig 1.04 Composition #3

Week 2(08/04/2021)
In the second week, we have a lecture about the introduction of Motion Graphic. We were told that Motion Graphic is animation, but with text as a major component.  Mr. Fauzi showed us some motion graphics videos to let us understand how it works and let us know the several situations that we can use motion graphics.

I showed my 3 compositions of collage to Mr. Fauzi. At first, he suggested me to use the rule of thirds to compose my college. However, I don't feel familiar with the rule of third. Under his explanation, it is a way that people mostly use to compose a photo, poster, even a video. Other than that, he also said that the golden ratio and rule of thirds can't be used at the same time.

He asked me to place the "L" line on the central aligning with the word "First Shooting", also place the woman and those elements on the center. (Fig 1.05)

Fig 1.05 Second attempt

Mr. Fauzi thinks the woman is too high. He asked me to move it down more a bit. This time, I use my mobile phone's camera and refer to the rule of thirds so I can make sure the main object is on the focal point. This is the third attempt. (Fig 1.06)

Fig 1.06

Mr. Fauzi said it is better now. I can start to stick it and scan it for submission. I use stickers instead of glue because my glue is finished. I think that stickers can be more convenient if I still want to change the composition. (Fig 1.07)

Fig 1.07 Stick the elements with sticker instead of glue

Below is the final outcome. (Fig 1.08)

Fig 1.08 Final outcome

For this week, we were tasked to create 3 compositions based on the images given by the lecturer. The difference between this exercise and the previous exercise is that this exercise will be done digitally. We need to use Adobe Photoshop to create an A4 size canvas, trace and crop the images we want to use by using the Pen tool. We can apply blending modes to our works to create double exposure effects.

Before I start to compose the images, I download the Rule of Third and Golden Ratio template to guide me through my compositions. (Fig 1.09-1.10)

Fig 1.09 Rule of Thirds

Fig 1.10 Golden Ratio

For the first composition, I decided to compose 3 elements and 1 background by applying Rule of Thirds. I tried to make 3 elements' sizes different to create a rhythm in this composition. I also make the color of the building more bluish to create the contrast to the plant.  (Fig 1.11-1.12)

Fig 1.11 Composition #1 with the guideline

Fig 1.12 Composition #1

Moving to the second composition, I tried a textured background and adding a shark and mountain. Basically, I place the shark, plant, and mountain on the focal points to catch the viewer's attention. Other than that, I applied gradient color on the background because the original image is grey color, which will confuse the viewer because of the similarity of the color between these elements.

Fig 1.13 Composition #2 with guideline

Fig 1.14 Composition #2

For the third composition, I tried to apply the golden ratio. From my understanding, the golden ratio means to distribute the space to different sizes of squares, in order to create balance and the space atmosphere. In this composition, different elements had been placed in specific places to create consistency and continuity to the composition. (Fig 1.15-1.16)

Fig 1.15 Composition #3 with guidelines

Fig 1.16 Composition #3


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