Motion Graphic & Composition - Project 3


20/05/2021(Week 8) - 03/06/2021(Week 10)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong 0340310
Motion Graphic & Compositing
Project 3


Week 10(03/06/2021)
For project 3, we will create a channel identity video that develops from project 2. As the brand I used for project 2 is Playstation, I will develop the channel identity from my project 2. During project 2, the lecturer gave me some advice for my project 3. He said I need to do more research on the brand I choose to give more identity of Playstation to my video. So, to have a plan for project 3, I did some research and created a proposal.

Before I started research on the brand, I reflected on my project 2 channel bumper; I think the weakness of my channel bumper is the lack of brand identity, lack of different shot sizes, and lack of utilization of space. These are the problems that I need to solve in project 3.

After that, I proceed to do some research on the brand guideline of Playstation. I get some information to help me create a proper Playstation brand identity. Such as the font that can be used, the things to prevent for the logo and etc. (Fig 1.01). More details were shown in the proposal. 

Fig 1.01 Font that can be used for Playstation advertisement/video

I found an interesting fact that the colorful logo I used for my channel bumper is an old version of the logo, which is not suitable for a current video. I need to pay attention to this and use the logo with only a single color for my project 3. (Fig 1.02)

Fig 1.02 Two generations of logo

I also did some sketches before I proceed to the storyboard; after I have done the brainstorming by sketching, I move on to finalize the storyboard. (Fig 1.03-1.07)

Fig 1.03 Sketches 1

Fig 1.04 Sketches 2

Fig 1.05 Sketches 3

Fig 1.06 Storyboard 1

Fig 1.07 Storyboard 2

Below is the proposal that I compile the process of brainstorming and decision for Project 3.


To let the lecturer better understand the script for the channel identity, I did an animatic. Below is the animatic.


Animatic with background music

I also did some animation to show the lecturer.

Scene 1 draft

Scene 2 draft

The lecturer said I am good to start the animation. He said I can try to cut the tempo of background music to make it longer and try to add some sound effects for the animation. For the scene 2 draft, I need to understand how the "?" move properly and make it look organic; I need to search for references. Other than that, he said the photos of sketches should be clear; I need to use CamScanner to scan the photos. Hence, I post other images for my sketches. Below are the sketches. (Fig 1.08-1.10)

Fig 1.08 Sketches 1

Fig 1.09 Sketches 2

Fig 1.10 Sketches 3

Week 11(10/06/2021)
Under the feedback, I made more progress to show. Below is the progression.

Revised scene 2 draft

Scene 3 draft

Bouncing ball animation

Fighter plane animation

Logo animation

Below is the first draft of project 2.

The first draft of project 2

The lecturer said I can make some changes.
For the first scene, I can make a close shot that focuses on the face first and start to make the scene wider. This will make the audience more curious about the development. The word "is" is unnecessary to make it 1 scene since it is not important. I can put "it" with "what." Other than that, make one dropping scene for the ball since it is too fast. I can make all the shape darker and glow when the ball hit. 
Also, make the ocean taller since there is much negative space. I can also find some. 

During the process of project 3, there is no difficulty. However, I had to share this useful and easy method to create a wave animation. To make this effect, I refer to the youtube tutorial video below. 

Wave effect tutorial

Under the feedback, I search for another slogan that can be used for my project 3. It can be used to fill in the negative space as well. This slogan had been used for playstation2, and it sounds really fit to my theme.

FigPlaystation 2 slogan

I finalize the video with all the feedback. Below is the final outcome.

The final outcome of Project 3


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