Minor Project


31/03/2021(Week 1) - 02/06/2021(Week 14)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong 0340310
Minor Project


Week 1(31/03/2021)
In the first week, Mr. Mike briefed us about this minor project, which is the Hotel Boutique project and Water Rescue project. For the Hotel Boutique project, we will cooperate with other courses' students to design a hotel for Taylors. For the Water Rescue project, it is interesting since we will cooperate with the student from West Bohemia University in the Czech Republic.

This week's task is to choose the project we interest in, and group with the design student different in the specialization. For minor project, I am going to group with Dondo and Diani from Graphic design.

Week 2(07/04/2021)
Mr. Mike told us that we need to search about the experience or any reflection that people faced during flooding in Malaysia for the water rescue project. We are told that we have 2 weeks to gather the information. The final product can be designed for respective countries or both countries.

This week, my group met three students from the Czech Republic, Vit, Kristyna, and Ondrej. We managed to call with group members from both Taylor's University and University West Bohemia students; we managed to get to know each other and do a little bit of research about the common cause of death in drowning both in Malaysia and Czech republic. Mr. Mike suggested we start working on it and start gathering data for the next two weeks. My group created a Miro board to gather the information. The link has been sent to the lecturer.

Week 3(14/04/2021)
In this week, we decide to use two methodologies for the data gathering, which are survey and interview. For the survey, we are going to conduct it on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp. For the interview, we plan to contact the firefighter in Kuala Lumpur to interview them. We completed the questions and showed it to Mr. Mike, overall he thinks it is ok, he also helps us to edit some of the questions to make it more effective.

We are not able to interview the firefighter since they didn't reply to us.

Week 4(21/04/2021)
This week we still gathering the data, Mr. Mike told us to do the interpretation for the data collection, after the data collection, we need to proceed to do the problem statement. Since we have a few ideas sketches already. The lecturers told us to start voting on one design and focus to finalize it before 7th May (Product Proposal Presentation). After finalizing the design, we can start working on the product parameters, journey map, and short illustration of the product instructions. Dr. Tomas also told us that we will be having a special guest from the water rescue department next week. So we can use that opportunity to interview the guest for our data collection.

Week 5(28/04/2021)
We were told that the presentation moves to 21st May, so we have more time to finalize our product idea. Mr. Mike told us we need to describe the product such as what kind of situation can be used, what will be included in the product, usage, primary function, and secondary function and etc. We also need to create storytelling to explain the product and the situation. (where flooding happened, how people use it, how people survive, how can we use this product in this story.) 

Week 6(05/05/2021)
We were told that the presentation has been extended again to 28th May. We showed our full gear design concept to Mr. Mike and he thinks it is interesting. He suggests that we can consider using the materials from an abandoned car such as tyres, seats, and etc. We can try to utilize these kinds of materials to fit with our product.

Week 7(12/05/2021)
No class due to public holidays.

Week 8(19/05/2021)
No class due to independent learning week.

Week 9(26/05/2021)
Below is our group's proposal.

Week 10(02/06/2021)
We are told to prepare a journey map, microsite, poster, product guideline, and video for the product. My tasks are to prepare the video and the product guideline. After my teammates create a logo for our product and extract some of the elements that can be used for the layout, I moving on to do my tasks. (Fig 1.01-1.02) 
Below is the first draft of the product guideline and video. (Fig 1.03-1.05)

Fig 1.01 Logo 

Fig 1.02 Elements extracted from the logo

Fig 1.03 First draft for the hoodie instruction

Fig 1.04 First draft of the shield instruction

Fig 1.05 First draft of the boots instruction

Week 11(09/06/2021)
The lecturer and my group members think the contents are almost done, but the layout needs to be improved. Below are the revised version. (Fig 1.06-1.08)

Fig 1.06 Second draft of Hoodie instruction

Fig 1.07 Second draft of Boots instruction

Fig 1.08 Second draft of Shield instruction

My teammates gave me some feedback and help me to revise the drawings, I come out with the final product guideline. Below are the final outcome of the product guidelines. (Fig 1.09-1.11)

Fig 1.09 Final Shield instruction

Fig 1.10 Final Hoodie instruction

Fig 1.11 Final Boots instruction

Week 12(16/06/2021)
Mr. Mike thinks the product guidelines look consistent with the poster, microsite. I also showed a microsite video teaser to him and he thinks it is ok. He advises me to remove the shadow of the product and also the inappropriate part of the body model.
Below is the first draft and final outcome of the microsite video teaser.

The first draft of the microsite video teaser

The final outcome of microsite teaser video

Week 13(23/06/2021)
Before I move on to create a teaser video for the advertisement and social media, we have discussed the storyboard, scene, and information on the Miro board. Below are the progression.

Fig 1.12 Video's storyboard sketches and information 1 

Fig 1.12 Video's storyboard sketches and information 2

The first draft of the advertising video

The second draft of the advertising video

Week 14(30/06/2021)
We are told that the presentation has been extended to week 16 so we have more time to finalize the presentation and works. 
For the video, we decided to add one more scene talking about the idea regarding the materials. Below is the third draft.

The third draft of the advertising video

After getting feedback from my teammates, I come out with the final outcome of the advertising video.

The final outcome of the advertising video

Week 16(13/07/2021)
Below is the final presentation slide.


Week 1(31/03/2021)
It is exciting that we have the opportunity to contact with the student from another country, I already decided to choose the water rescue project for my minor project. I am quite confused with the tasks in the coming weeks seems it sounds like a big project.

Week 2(07/04/2021)
For this project, we need to search for the problem that water rescuers, victims, and people experienced in flood face. This research is to understand what kind of design can be done to help these people during the flood. The lecturer told us that we have two weeks to gather the information, the final design can be used in both countries, or we also can create two designs for each country. One of the most important things in this project is that both Taylor and West Bohemia students need to understand each task clearly. I feel nervous about communicating with someone I don't know, even people from another country. I am happy that I manage to communicate with students from the Czech Republic during the meeting, even though the communication isn't that easy. We discussed with them to be familiar first because people usually prefer to work with someone they are familiar with. This will be a useful experience in the future.

Week 3(14/04/2021)
For this week, I focused on gathering information about the flood. I also came out with some ideas and designs. The product’s concept mainly focuses on helping people survive during the flood; hence, I try to come out with some product ideas related to people’s everyday lives. For example, I can apply some thoughts on an umbrella because it is a common tool for Malaysians. I learn to think about the ideas standing in the perspective of victims, water rescuers, or any people that experienced a flood. I think this kind of thinking is beneficial, and it can be applied when we try to design any product for the client.

Week 4(21/04/2021)
This week, I did a reflection and interpretation of our results collected from the survey. I managed to get to know what victims needed during the water disaster, it is important for us to decide the product idea and include some useful functions on the product. After the students from the Czech Republic showed us the detailed function of the product, I proceeded to do a visual which is like storytelling to show the function of the product for both victims and water rescuers.

Week 5(28/04/2021)
I think we have some communication problems with Czech students regarding the product, hence we try to consult with the lecturer and we figure out that we just need to come up with only one product but with a variant idea. Luckily, we have more time to prepare for our presentation since I feel we are still having problems with the product concept.

Week 6(05/05/2021)
The announcement that the presentation has been extended again makes me feel better since we are still having product’s problem that we have so many individual products, me and my group members assume this will be a heavy burden for us. Hopefully we manage to move on and complete our proposal and other tasks.

Week 7(12/05/2021)
I started to feel stressed that one of my group’s products was rejected by the Czech lecturer, and we didn't manage to contact the Czech students shortly. We have a lot of plans that can’t be completed and we think it’s important to have everyone’s opinion on it before we start. Our progress is jammed due to the lack of communication.

Week 8(19/05/2021)
This week we managed to complete the proposal. However, I think we have many things that are not properly done due to communication problems. We try to face the problem with a positive mind even when there is a lot of difficulties.

Week 9(26/05/2021)
I feel better since we manage to complete and present the slides. However, there is still much insufficient on the product itself. Before we move on to polish and improve our information, we need to consult with the Czech students and confirm some of the confusing stuff regarding the product itself. I think our works can only be done successfully based on good communication.

Week 10(02/06/2021)
We are still waiting for the 3D model created from the Czech side. It is annoying and not happy since we keep texting Czech students, and they didn’t reply. It is challenging for us to continue our work without consulting with them. Hopefully, we will be able to catch up with them as soon as possible.

Week 11(09/06/2021)
We are still waiting for the 3D model created from the Czech side. I feel quite stressed since we need to complete the 3D model if they can’t create in time. It is not fair that we need to complete other people’s work. However, I need to consider my group and put it in the first place. I will try my best to help my group complete the task.

Week 12 (16/06/2021) 
I start to do the product guideline, and I plan to improve from the previous product guideline. The process is quite smooth since I get a lot of feedback from my group members, and I manage to come out with something that every member is satisfied with. I think it is important to have feedback from other people when designing something.

Week 13(23/06/2021)
I started to create a product sales video for the website, and it goes smoothly because I am more familiar with creating a video using After Effects. I feel satisfied and happy to do something that I specialize in. However, it is important to show my group members the progression to get as much feedback from them to create the best video.

Week 14(30/06/2021)
It is quite a rush for us to come out with the final presentation slides with the current progression. I am glad to hear we have more time to prepare quality works to show. It is pretty challenging for me to create the teaser for the product, but I have learned a lot during the process. My group members gave me a lot of feedback to assist me in creating the teaser successfully. Overall is challenging but satisfying with the outcome.


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