Motion Graphic & Compositing - Project 2

29/04/2021(Week 5) - 13/05/2021(Week 7)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong 0340310
Motion Graphic & Compositing
Project 2


Week 6(06/05/2021)
For project 2, we are tasked to use the information for any proposed channel, either existing or fictional. We need to create a mood board to show our idea, including a style guide, storyboard, sketches, and audio for the animation. The final output will include a 10-15 seconds video. The format must be mp4, h2.54, 16:9 (1440 x 1080), 25fps, ACC, 48kHz.

Before I start, I go to youtube to search for any inspiration. However, I couldn't find any information that is interesting for me. Until I see the Playstation controller on my table, I start to search for related channel bumper. Those videos mostly lack energy for me since they focus on a cinematic style. Hence, I decided to create another style of channel bumper that is energetic and interesting for Playstation. (Fig 1.01)

Fig 1.01 My PlayStation controller

The existing Playstation channel bumper

I did some sketches for my channel bumper animation. Also, I decide to use the color from the logo as the main colors of my animation. (Fig 1.02-1.03) I also decide to use the logo that includes the word "Playstation." (Fig 1.04)

Fig 1.02 Sketches of ideation

Fig 1.03 4 main colors of my animation

Fig 1.04 PlayStation logo

I also did a storyboard and moodboard that finalize my first idea. (Fig 1.05)

Fig 1.05 Storyboard

Moodboard of my channel bumper animation

Week 7(13/05/2021)
This week don't have class due to the Hari Raya holiday. However, I proceed to my channel bumper animation. Initially, I find that my graphics become pixelated when I try to scale them. Luckily I manage to solve this problem by applying a button. (Fig 1.06) 

Fig 1.06 Avoid pixelated 

The first difficulty is to animate a rainbow tail like this for my animation, I start to search the tutorial videos. Below are the tutorial videos I watched. (Fig 1.07)

Fig 1.07 Path following example

Follow a path tutorial video 1

   Follow a path tutorial video 2

Basically the process is like this:
1. Use pen tool draw the path, adjust the stroke and color. 
2. click the shape, righ click, transform, auto-orient 
3. Copy the path of the stroke, paste in the shape 
4. To adjust the rainbow tail length, click the Add:Trim path. Use end and start to adjust 
5. Add motion blur, easy ease the keyframe.

The second difficulty is to create a effect that everything spin to a point, like a whole suck all the things. By testing many effect of distort, I find that a effect call Twirl is what I wan for my motion graphic animation.

After that, I want to create a effect that a shape change to another shape smoothly like this. (Fig 1.08) Below are the tutorial videos that I followed to get this effect.

Fig 1.08 Shape Morphing example

Morphing shape effect tutorial video 

The steps of creating morphing shape:
1. if your shape are AI files, right click the layers, click change to vector shape.
2. if your shapes are created in AE, right click path, click convert to Bezier Path. 
3. Set two shapes' paths keyframes , then copy the second shape's path to the first shape's path and make it later.

Through searching the tutorial videos, I found a effect that I feel interest, which is echo effect. I also tried to apply this effect to my motion graphic animation. Below is the tutorial video.

Echo effect tutorial video

For the final scene, I want to create a luxury feeling animation, and I found a tutorial video that is teaching what exactly I want. Below is the tutorial video.

Logo build up tutorial video

This effect is much more diffuclt and complicated than other effects. It has a lot of steps to follow, hence I write down these steps to remember them. However, it is important to follow the tutorial video to avoid any mistake. 
Below are the steps:
1. Find the color palette you prefer, bring the jpeg into AE. 
2. Import the logo and the text into AE.
3. Create a background and fill in any color.
4. Pre-compose the logo layer.
5. Apply (fill) effect, fill in 1 color. 
6. Choose layer, auto-trace, select alpha. 
7. Apply (stroke) effect, click All mask, unselect stroke sequentially, change point style to reveal original image. 
8. Set keyframe of the brush size 0 first, then set bigger brush size keyframe later. 
9. Set the keyframe of the start 100 first, then set start to 100 around 2 seconds. 
10. Duplicate (ctrl+D) 2 logo layer. Move two layers later a bit. Hence 3 layers are different timelines. 
11. Fill in different colors to these 2 logo layers. 
12. Duplicate 1 logo layer, remove the (stroke) effect, fill in black color. 
13. Apply (radial wipe) effect on this layer, change the wipe to counterclockwise, adjust the wipe center to any place prefer. Set keyframe of Transition completion from around 14% to 0% later. 
14. Duplicate 1 logo layer, fill in the original logo color. Make this layer later. 
15. Select all layers, right-click and choose a new--Null object. Link all the layers to this Null object layer. 
16. Set the scale keyframe, from around 150% to 100% later. 
17. Pre-compose all the layers, name it logo animation. Duplicate this new layer. Move the new layer to the bottom. 
18. Apply (fill) effect, change to black. Then apply (Radial Fast Blur) effect. Adjust opacity, center, and amount.

Below is the first draft of Project 2. There is still some parts I don't feel satisfied, I will adjust them after I get the feedback from the lecturer.

First draft of Project 2

Week 8(20/05/2021)
I showed the lecturer my first draft, he told me that the main problem is the lack of Playstation identity in my work. The second is that the lack of different sizes shot, which can guide the viewer through the whole video. He said I can remain like this first, but try to develop more from this work in the next project.

Under the feedback, I made some changes to the first draft, below is the final outcome of Project 2.

The final outcome of Project 2


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