Motion Graphic & Compositing - Project 1

01/04/2021(Week 1) - 29/04/2021(Week 5)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong 0340310
Motion Graphic & Compositing
Project 1


Week 3(15/04/2021)
For project 1, we were tasked to create 2 parts of the animation in Adobe After Effects.
For part 1, we were required to create and animate 4 principles: symmetry, focus, scale, and rhythm for 8 seconds. For part 2, we need to create a 16 seconds composition by using any 8 compositions in part 1.

Basically, I faced not much difficulty in project 1 because I tried Adobe After Effects before this semester. For the symmetry composition, I want to apply a time reverse effect; however, there are too many layers; hence I copy all the layer first just in case and pre-compose them, which means I combine all the copy of layers, after that, I applied time reverse effect on it to get the effect I want. (Fig 1.01-1.02)

I also applied to the time-stretch effect when I found that my animation's speed didn't match my expectations. This is a useful tool that I applied in all the animation. (Fig 1.03) 

Fig 1.01 Pre-compose all the copies of layers

Fig 1.02 Apply time-reverse effect

Fig 1.03 Apply time stretch effect

For the animation of focus, I created a lot of layers to show that the shape is big to small. I was quite worried that my laptop will crash because there are too many layers. I would like to find out another way to create this kind of animation easily. (Fig 1.04)

Fig 1.04 Too many layers almost make my crashes

Other than these difficulties, I think everything works smoothly. Below is the final outcome of part 1.

For part 2, there is no difficulty I faced. I tried to connect every principles' animation but it is quite challenging for me to make the composition looks smooth. Hence I showed my animation to the lecturer for feedback. He said the animation looks good.
Below is the final outcome of part 2.



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