Advanced Animation - Project 1


09/04/2021(Week 2)-14/05/2021(Week 7)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Advanced Animation
Project 1


Week 3(16/04/2021)
For project 1, we were tasked to do scriptwriting, storyboard, and animatic.
For this week we only need to search for any scene that we interest in and draw a storyboard to showcase and explain the story.

Below is a scene from the "Scary Movie" that I would like to use because it has a lot of body language and facial expression which can be used for my animation. The scene is between 2.47-3.21.

The scenes chosen are between 2.47 - 3.21

Below are the storyboards to showcase the story. (Fig 1.01-1.02)

Fig 1.01 Storyboard #1

Fig 1.02 Storyboard #2

Week 6(07/05/2021)

I created an animatic with the original sound to show the compositing and overall movement.


Other than that, we are tasked to shot an acting video as well. This can be the reference for the character in the process of animating.

Acting for character movement


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