Advanced Animation - Final Project

Week 9(28/05/2021) - Week 14(02/07/2021)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong 0340310
Advanced Animation
Final Project


Week 12(18/06/2021)
I moving on to create some lightning for my animation since I want to create a flickering effect, I set a directional light and placed it on a suitable place. However, the quality doesn't looks nice in playblast video but when it looks nice in arnold render view. Below is the attempts on lightning.

Lightning attempt 1

Lightning attempt 2

Week 13(25/06/2021)
After I polished all the movement and background, I moving on to render the animation. We are told that Maya is not able to straightly render the video, we only can render images sequence and combined it in After Effect. First, I need to open render setting and set like the image below.(Fig 1.01) I also need to set the frame that I want to render, it is better to not render too many frames at the same time otherwise it is too heavy for our laptop. Hence, I render 100frames 1 time.

Fig 1.01 Render setting

After the render setting, I need to click Render, and click the box right to the Render sequence. In this box, we can set the camera we want to render and the location of the rendered file. After finished the setting, click render sequence.(Fig 1.02)

Fig 1.02 Render sequence setting

Below is the first draft of the animation.

First draft of animation

I made a minor changes because some of the scene doesn't fit my expectation. Below is the final outcome. 

The final outcome of Animation

Below is the presentation slides that compile all the process of the animation. 

Pdf of the presentation slides


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