Sonic Design - Project 1


06/04/2021(Week 2) - 11/05/2021(Week 7)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Sonic Design
Project 1



Week 3(13/03/2021)
For project 1, we need to create an audio image based on the different situations mentioned in the MIB; dialog should not be included in the story. We were tasked to show 2 stories to the lecturer. Below are two stories' drafts that I created to show the lecturer.

1. Everyday Home Life + Background (Wake up in the morning, lazy) 
In a bedroom, an alarm is ringing in the morning. A man wakes up and stretches his body with a sigh. After that, he stands up and walks down the stair with heavy steps. He reaches downstairs and opens a door, walks into the washroom. Then the man takes up an electric toothbrush on a basket, squeezes a bit of toothpaste, and starts to brush his teeth. He spits out the toothpaste foam, opens the hydro valve, and gets some water to rinse his mouth. After rinsing his mouth, he spits out the water. He walks out of the washroom, heads to the kitchen, picks up a small pack of oats, shakes it off, and tears the bag. Then he pours out the oats and adds some hot water in a glass. He takes up a steel spoon and stirs the oats rapidly. He takes the glass, walks to the table, puts down the glass on the table, and knocks on the keyboard, and music starts playing. He sits down and takes a sip of the oats, release a sigh. 

2. Wildlife + Background (Hunting in forest, jitter)
In a night, a hunter is walking on thick grasses with a rifle on his back. After a few steps, he takes out his lighter and lights a cigarette, he smokes the cigarette and exhales a long breath. After that, he continues to walk forward. The sound of water flow is getting closer; he pushes brushwood and finds a river in the front. He walks to the river and gets some water with his hand to drink. He drinks some water and releases a sigh and a breath. After a few seconds, he walks through the river and keeps going forward. He slowly steps on some branches, hears a bear's low roar, and finds a bear in front of him with around 10 meters. He slowly pulled his rifle on his shoulder and cock the gun, aiming the bear with a long breath. The sound of sound comes with a whine of the bear. The hunter finally releases a big breath.

Mr. Razif told me it is better to use the second story, below is the first draft of Project 1.

The first draft of Project 1

Week 5(27/04/2021)
This week I let Mr. Razif checked my audio, and he thinks that there is too much repetition on the footstep. He suggests I make some variation on it, otherwise, the footstep sounds too prominent. Below is my second draft, I made some changes based on the lecturer's feedback.

The second draft of Project 1

Week 6(04/05/2021)
I showed my second draft to Mr. Razif, he said that the sound of water splashing needs variation like right-left, fast-slow sound. Also, the sound of bird flapping needs reduce, or use a different flapping sound because right now it sounds repeatedly, he thinks it sounds not natural. Other than that, the bear growl sounds low quality, sounds are distorting, he suggests me try to combine two bear growl to make it sounds better just like what we did in the previous exercise, maybe can try to remove reverb and noise. I also need to show the falling sound of the bear after the shot.

After the consultation, I make changes and apply all suggestions given by the lecturer.  Below is the final outcome of Project 1.

Final outcome of Project 1


  1. aite stories focuses a lot on actions but have little description on what's happening around him. Perhaps story #2 can be a better choice since you can use the sound of nature to create the soundscape. For example, if it's a night, you can imagine cricket sound at certain part of the journey, mosquitos, or perhaps as he gets to the river, we hear frogs. But do be careful with the pacing. we don't want it to be too chaotic either. so yeah other than actions, think what environment he is in.


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