Design Research Dissertation - Journal Publication

05/11/2020 - 26/11/2020(Week 11-Week 14)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Design Research Dissertation
Journal Publication


Journal Publication

Week 11(05/11/2020)
For the final project, we were tasked to do the publication design by using the word file given in the following website: 
I was told that our journal publication should not be as same as the dissertation. We need to focus on one question or objective. Below is the first draft of journal publication. 

The first draft of journal publication

Week 12(12/11/2020)
I was tasked to revise the similar parts of the dissertation that are indicated by Turnitin. Also, edit the visual publication. For my journal publication, the lecturer said that the key word’s first letter should be a capital letter. I need to only focus on one research question, make sure the typeface is correct. Try to create a table instead of just put the image of the questionnaire in appendices. I revised my dissertation following the indication showed in the Turnitin, also revised my journal publication based on the feedback given. Below is the second draft and third draft.
The second draft of journal publication

The third draft of journal publication

Week 13(19/11/2020)
I was told that the first letter of keywords in the keywords section should be a capital letter, not the keywords in the sentences. Other than that, it is better to make my sentence in the active sentence. For the responses from the participants, it is better to classify the responses to a different section to show a more descriptive analysis. I revised my journal publication based on the feedback given. Below is the final journal publication.

Final journal publication for submission


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