Design Research Dissertation - Draft Dissertation

27/8/2020 - 07/10/2020(Week 1-Week 7)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Design Research Dissertation
Draft Dissertation


Draft Dissertation

Week 1(27/08/2020)
We were assigned to prepare a literature review matrix which is an important part. Ms Hayati said a completed matrix will guide us to write our dissertation easier. I watched the slides given and started to create my first draft. Below is the first draft of the literature review.


Week 2(03/09/2020)
This week, Ms Hayati had a consultation with me regarding my matrix, some of the advice and feedback was given. Ms Hayati said I can describe the types of methodology such as quantitative and qualitative, try to compare the similarity and difference of these articles will help me identify the content easily. The keywords should be mentioned by the author. If we have more things to add inside the matrix will be good because it will help us to structure our dissertation content. Below is the second attempt of literature review matrix.

Week 3(10/09/2020)
Ms Hayati said if we fix our matrix effectively, our discussion part will be much easier. We were assigned to identify and confirm the most suitable theme for our literature review and finish our literature review by next Tuesday. We need to start to do the findings section and methodology section. Below are the first attempts of draft dissertation, literature review, findings and methodology.

Draft Dissertation 1

Before I started my literature review part, I look back to my previous research to make sure the themes are suitable for my literature review. I also reviewed back all the literature to make sure I do not miss any important information.
Literature review draft 1

Methodology draft 1

Research Findings and Analysis draft 1

Week 4(17/09/2020)
Ms Hayati said it will be better to indicate the method of each qualitative and quantitative title. For example, Quantitative Method (Questionnaire) and Qualitative Method (Visual Analysis). I need to connect every section to make sure the flow of section and viewer can understand clearly about the research. We need to start to do the result and discussion section. Regarding the feedback, I try to connect each section and add a description of the title. Also, I added more information to describe the objective of the questionnaire.
Literature review draft 2

Methodology draft 2

Research Findings and Analysis draft 2

Dissertation draft 2
Week 5(24/09/2020)
Ms Hayati said I had made minor grammatical mistakes in my dissertation. I need to connect every single section by informing the reader in the last sentence and introducing the subsection in the previous section before I display and explain it. Also, I should include my own opinion which is like a brief conclusion regarding each section. Some of the images which are not useful for a certain section can be added in the Appendix section meanwhile remember to indicate the image (fig X.X) in the following sentence. I was suggested to start revising the dissertation draft based on the comment after week 6.

Discussion draft 1

Week 6(01/10/2020) 
In this week, Ms Hayati told me to add the working title for the cover page so she can easily relate to the whole content dissertation. For the literature review, she thinks that there should have more information which focuses on the sound and animation (moving pictures). Currently, these subsections are insufficient for the discussion section. She asked me to increase the indent for the 6 kinds of literature mentioned in section 2.0. The heading of section 2.1 is indistinct, I need to refine the meaning of visual for this heading. For the Methodology section, she also thinks that the subsections maybe not enough, try to find is there anything missing. We were tasked to add a conceptual framework in section 1. I added a working title on the cover page. I read more articles and revised my literature review. I also added a definition for the word “visual”. I created a conceptual framework and submit my dissertation draft. Below is the dissertation draft for submission.

Draft dissertation (submission)

Week 12(12/11/20)
After submitting my dissertation draft to Turnitin, there are some problems with my dissertation needed to be fixed, Below is the final dissertation draft for the final submission.

Final draft dissertation


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