Video and Sound Production- Project 1

Week 2-Week 8
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Video and Sound Production
Project 1


Week 1(17/04/2020)
In the first sound class, Mr Razif recorded a video which explaining the fundamental of the sound. Also, he talked about how to use Adobe Audition, which is a audio editing tool. He showed us how to use parametric equalizer to adjust the bass and treble of an audio.

For the first sound exercise, basically we need to approach 6 eq audio to the flat audio given by lecturer using parametric equalizer. Below are the screenshot of the each eq audios.

Fig 1.01 Adjustment of the eq-1

Fig 1.02 Adjustment of the eq-2

Fig 1.03 Adjustment of the eq-3

Fig 1.04 Adjustment of the eq-4

Fig 1.05 Adjustment of the eq-5

Fig 1.06 Adjustment of the eq-6
Week 2(25/04/2020)
For the second class, we learned about how to shape a sound. For this week's exercise, we were assigned to shape 5 types of voice which are:

1. Voice of a telephone call

Fig 1.07 Voice of a telephone call

2. Voice coming from inside a closet or closed room

Fig 1.08 Voice coming from inside a closet or closed room

3. Voice of a walkie talkie

Fig 1.09 Voice of a walkie talkie

4. Voice in a big stadium

Fig 1.10 Voice in a big stadium

5. Voice in a shower/bathroom/toilet

Fig 1.11 Voice in a shower/bathroom/toilet
Week 3(01/05/2020)
Due to public holiday, we had no sound class this week. So, Mr Razif recorded lecture and tutorial videos. He gonna talk about sound design techniques in these videos and slides. 

The lecture section talked about 6 basic sound design which are:
1. Layering
2. Time stretching
3. Time compression
4. Pitch shifting
5. Reversing
6. Mouth it

On the tutorial video, Mr Razif showed us how to apply the skills he mentioned in the explosion sound by using multitrack, parametric equalizer, mixer, reverb and hard limiter.

At the last video, he taught us how to export the multitrack into one file. He said that if we want to embed the soundtrack into the blog, we should export as MP3 instead of WAV format because MP3 is compressed.

We were assigned to create 3 different voice which are:
1. Variation of punch sound(from one punch sound file)

Fig 1.12 three defferent punch sound

2. Monster or Alien voice(from one voice recording)

3. Deep rich explosion(from one Lo fi explosion sound)

Fig 1.13 Explosion sound
Week 7(29/05/2020)
Today, we had a short tutorial on sound, we were introduced to Automation. We learned how to fade in, fade out, cross-fade on two audios. Mr Razif showed us using the sample voice audio. Below is the tutorial video.

Week 12(03/07/2020)
This week, Mr Razif introducted a very useful website which is Mix Editor. We can use this website to create any music or sound effect we want. This website is free and it provides different instruments' sound to let us create any audio clip. Mr Razif asked us to create any song and show him. Below is my attempt which is a song from a movie called Spirited Away.


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