Video and Sound Production - Exercises

Week 1 -Week 3 
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Video and Sound Production


Week 1(17/04/2020)
In the first class of Video and Sound Production module, our lecturers Mr Martin and Mr Razif had a simple briefing on zoom and explained this module by the slides. Mr Martin asked us to watch Zach King's magic videos and his videos will be a part of our assignments.
For this week, we were asked to:
1. Install Premiere Pro, Audition and After Effects.
2. Select a Zack King trick/video for Project 2, we need to know how the video works.
3. Post 3 favourite Stop motion videos on blog.
4. Choose not more than 3 PSA topics for our Final Project.
5. Order a tripod if we don't have.

Week 2(24/04/2020)
This week Mr Martin lectured about storytelling in film. He also explained about what is plot, narrative, story & plot and plot segmentation. He assigned us to do editing exercise in Premiere Pro, do a plot segmentation for the video "Rebooted" and watch Toy Story 1.

Week 3(01/05/2020)
No class due to public holiday.

Week 4(08/05/2020)
This week Mr Martin is going to talk about the structure of story which included 3 act.
Beginning, middle and end is the 3 main act of a story, below are the slide.

Week 2(24/04/2020)

Video Editing Exercise 1 Mint
We need to combine 19 video clips into a complete video by using Adobe Premiere Pro.
Below is the final outcome of my exercise 1.

Plot segmentation: Reboot Exercise
For this exercise, we were assigned to watch a video name "Rebooted". We need to segment and summarize the plots clearly. Below are the video and my plot segmentation.

Week 3(01/05/2020)

Video Editing Exercise 2 Dorritos
For this exercise, we need to combine 21 video clips into a complete video which is similar with exercise 1. But the video clips provided by lecturer are not arranged orderly, we need to figure out the sequence of the video clips and combine them. Below is the final outcome of my exercise 2.

Video Editing Exercise 3 Lalin
We will use trimming skill in this exercise, "I" is for mark in and "O" is for mark out. Also, we need to add fade in and fade out which is dip to black transition in the beginning and the end of the video.
Below is the final outcome of exercise 3.

Week 4(08/05/2020)
Video editing exercise 3 Lalin(Music added)
This week we were assigned to add music into "Lalin" video using the musics given and trim it into 50 seconds. Below is the final outcome.

Ake demo emo exercise 4
For another exercise is trimming exercise also. Below is the final outcome.


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