Advanced Typography - Project 2

Week 7-Week 10
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Advanced Typography
Project 2

Week 8(02/06/2020)
No lecture section for this week, only consultation for Project 1 and briefing for Project 2.

Week 9(09/06/2020)
No lecture section for this week, only consultation for Project 2.


Project 2-Collaterals

Week 8(02/06/2020)
For Project 2, we were assigned to design a poster and two other collateral items such as t-shirt, tote bag. We need to develop our key artwork into variation designs. We should start poster firstly, and the microsite should be the last. Below is the content we need to include into the poster.

The Design School, Taylor’s University

All Ripped Up: Punk Influences on Design
The ABCs of Bauhaus Design Theory
Russian Constructivism and Graphic Design

Open Public Lectures:
November 24, 2020
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM

November 25, 2020
Muthu Neduraman, 9AM-10AM
Fahmi Reza, 10AM-11AM
Fahmi Fadzil, 11AM-12PM

Lecture Theatre 12 

Below are the posters I designed initially.(Fig 1.01-1.03)

Fig 1.01 First attempt

Fig 1.02 Second attempt

Fig 1.03 Third attempt
After designed the posters, I proceed to collaterals design. I choose tote bag and t-shirt for the collaterals item for my key artwork. Below are the t-shirt designs.(Fig 1.03-1.06)

Fig 1.03 First attempt of t-shirt

Fig 1.04 Second attempt of t-shirt

Fig 1.05 Third attempt of t-shirt

Fig 1.06 Fourth attempt of t-shirt
Below are the tote bag designs.(Fig 1.07-1.09)

Fig 1.07 First attempt of tote bag

Fig 1.08 Second attempt of tote bag

Fig 1.09 Third attempt of tote bag
Week 9(09/06/2020)
This week Mr Vinod only looked at our posters, I showed my posters to Mr Vinod. For the first attempt and third attempt, he said the background color separate the posters. It is not a good way to introduces the color. Two fists of first attempt are ugly. For the second attempt, he said the introduction of color is better, but the alignment is not good enough. Below are the new posters that were improved under Mr Vinod's suggestions. (Fig 1.10-1.12)

Fig 1.10 Fourth attempt

Fig 1.11 Fifth attempt

Fig 1.12 Sixth attempt
Mr Vinod thinks the line of fourth attempt is not necessary, remove it. For the date, I can try to introduce the color instead of make it bigger. Under his suggestion, I made last change for my poster. Below is the seventh attempt. (Fig 1.13)

Fig 1.13 Seventh attempt

Mr Vinod thinks the color looks bloody, so I change the background colors to a more smooth looking red. Below is the final poster(Fig 1.14)

Fig 1.14 Final outcome of poster

Mr Vinod also asked us to create an appropriate GIF animation for social media invite which is in 200mm x 200mm. According to the examples posted by Mr Vinod, I think I need to create a simple animation that can express the meaning obviously. Below are the first and second attempt for social media invite GIF.(Fig 1.15-Fig 1.16)

Fig 1.14 Social media invite (GIF) first attempt

Fig 1.15 Social media invite (GIF) Second attempt

I change the color of background because it looks really bloody. Below is the final outcome of social media invite (GIF). (Fig 1.16)

Fig 1.16 Final outcome of social media invite (GIF)

Pdf of Final Outcome of Poster 

Week 8(02/06/2020)
General Feedback: For the collateral task, Mr Vinod advises us to start with poster, then proceed to tote bag, clothes, and etc. Web design should be the last. Utilize the skill we learnt from the previous tasks into the collateral design.

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod thinks the fist is lack of imagination, and it is hard to figure out which is the sentence need to be read firstly. Make the letter "N" of the word "PUNK" bigger than "K" but smaller than "P". Under Mr Vinod's feedback, I edited the work. He said it is much better compare to the previous one, he said overall looks more balance, he thinks the places of the words "INFLUENCE" and "ON DESIGN" should exchanged.

Week 9(10/06/2020)
Specific Feedback: We should finish the poster before proceed to collaterals item. Remember the point size should between 8 to 12 point.

General Feedback: First Review: Work 1: The red background separate the poster, the line doesn't necessary. Work 2: Same problem with the work 1, the fists are ugly, need to retrace it. Work 3: The way of introducing color is better, but the alignment is not good enough. Second Review: For new work 1, remove the line, I can change the color of date instead of make it bigger.

Week 10(17/06/2020)
General Feedback: Make sure all of the collateral item's background are neutral, such as light gray.

Specific Feedback: Mr Vinod thinks my GIF is suitable for my key artwork. But the color of background is too bloody.

Week 8(02/06/2020)
Experience: I feels good that I gradually grasp what lecturers wan for my design through their feedback. My motivation is increasing if I am on the right way.

Observation: Some of my classmates' design still rejected by lecturer, I feel worrying about them because we need to proceed to next project. Without a proper key artwork is really hard to move forward.

My design is slightly different compare to my classmates' designs. If my design is on the right way, I think it is good that my design doesn't looks generally.

Week 9(10/06/2020)
Experience: Lecturer said the process of project is slow, this make me feel a bit nervous and worry for the final project.

Observation: Some of my classmates have trouble in their works, they can't manage to complete the works by the time. I think time management is really important when we have a lot works to do.

I found some unique idea from my classmates' works, what they did can be a suggestion for my works.

Week 10(17/06/2020)
Experience: I am glad that my works GIF is accepted by lecturer early, so I can start to proceed to the collaterals item.

Observation: Looks like my classmates are not in the good condition, everyone feels exhausted because of the big amount of assignments.

Findings: Lecturer feels disappoint on some works, I think because they are exhausted and not feeling well.

Week 8(02/06/2020)
Book Title: Raster Imaging and Digital Typography II
Author: Robert A. Morris & Jacques Andre
Fig 1.17  Raster Imaging and Digital Typography II

From this book, what I learned is about how a font(outline font as well as bitmap font) incorporates character patterns and spacing information. 

The book mentions spacing information comprises two groups:
1. Horizontal font lines: They describe boundaries to be respected by all letters in the font. The top and bottom lines mark out the font height. The base line serves as a common reference. The upper and middle lines denote the cap-height and the x-height.

2. Vertical character lines: They determine the layout of a character stream. The left and right line fix the character width and are called for by the formatter. The latter places the current reference point into the intersection between the base line and the left line of the current character. The left line of the following letter coincides with the right line of the current character, and the next reference point is fixed. In case of kerning, the character pattern goes beyond these lines into the blocks of the adjacent letters and is bounded by the left overhang and right overhang lines.

Week 9(10/06/2020)
Book Title: Basics Design 03: Typography
Author: Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris
Fig 1.18 Basics Design 03: Typography

This week, the book I chose for further reading is Basics Design 03: Typography by Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris. This book mentions about the use of typeface. For the minion regular, we always use it for body text. We use minion regular caps for the initials and headline text. Minion regular small caps often used for emphasising specific text. Small caps provide a designer with a subtle means of highlighting a section of text without it standing out too much, or overpowering the surrounding body text. Title, names and references can thus be distinguished without "shouting" as they would if there were set in CAPITALS. A small cap is far more harmonious with the body text because it has been specifically re-cut to have the same width strokes as those of the regular characters. This is not the case with artificial small caps, which have strokes that look thin and give the impression that the characters have been elongated.

Week 10(17/06/2020)
Basics Design 03: Typography
Author: Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris
Fig 1.19 Basics Design 03: Typography

This week I decided to continue the same book as last week. What I learnt this week is about tracking and kerning.
1. Tracking: Tracking refers to the amount of space that exists between letters. This space can be adjusted to make characters more or less distinguishable. Reducing the tracking pares back the space between letters, condenses the text and may allow more text to be fitted into a given area. However, if tracking is reduced too much the letters begin to "crash" into another, equally space should not be added to the extent that letters become separated from the words that are part of.

2. Kerning: Kerning concerns the space between two letters. Certain letter combinations have too much or little space between them, which may make some words difficult to read, as you tend to focus on the typographical "mistakes", as shown below. This problem can be reduced by kerning, the removal or addition of space between letters. Some letter combinations frequently need to be kerned and are known as kerning pairs. Kerning is used to achieve a balanced look for larger display type, and to handle difficult combinations of letters in body copy.


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