Advanced Typography - Final Project

Week 10-Week 14
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Advanced Typography
Final Project 



Week 10(16/06/2020)
This week lecturer brief us about the final project. For the final project, we were tasked to create a typeface that is intended to solve specific problem. We can involve in the area of our interest be it graphic design, new media or entertainment design, it is not necessarily to reflect our specialisation.
The outcome could be applied in the form or format that it is intending to provide a solution for.

Below is my initial idea for final project.

Week 11(23/06/2020)
I showed my idea to lecturers, they think these ideas work. Mr Vinod prefer idea 1, so I decide to use idea 1 for my project. Mr Vinod advised me to study more about my topic. After studying from a few websites, I conclude some of the idea and concept.
1. The signs had to display reduced forms that could impart information immediately.---Margaret Calvert(One of a London's road sign designer who designed a font called "Transport")
2. For transport, the unit of measure for spacing is based on the width of the capital letter "I"---a consistency in form which, over time, helped foster a sense of familiarity in drivers.
3. Bold typeface can allow easier readability of black letters on white/yellow backgrounds.
4. Light typeface is used for white letters on dark background such as green background.


I also found an article which is about an explore of road sign's font project conducted by a designer called Ralf Herrmann. I collected some of his idea which can benefit my final project.
1. Bolder stroke can be read from a greater distance. However, an increase in stroke width comes at the cost of smaller counters and therefore reduces legibility.
2. For the diacritical marks, it must be unmistakable in their design and prominent in their size, because such separated letter parts will be the first to become illegible or even invisible when viewed from a distance.
3. Wayfinding Sans Pro(bold condensed) was the winner in all conducted tests. It could be read from a greater distance than any of the other styles of the tested typefaces. Among them typical signage typefaces like Frutiger, DIN 1451, Johnston Underground, and Futura(Fig 1.01).

Fig1.01 Wayfinding Sans Pro Font


I tried to download Wayfinding Sans Pro font into my laptop so that I can reference it when creating my own font, but the price is too expensive, so I use another font for my reference which is DIN 1451(Fig 1.02).

Fig 1.02 DIN 1451
Below is the sketch.
Idea of Sketches 

Below is the first attempt(Fig 1.03).

Fig 1.03 First attempt
Week 12(30/06/2020)
This week I showed my font to lecturer, Mr Vinod said I need to look into the detail of letters, some of the details' size are wrongly constructed such as the lower body of B should bigger than upper body. He also suggested me reference to Wayfinding Sans Pro font when I am constructing the font.  Based on Mr Vinod's advice, I continue to construct the font correctly and begin to create number. Below is the second attempt.
Fig 1.04 Second attempt

Week 13(07/07/2020)
This week I showed my font to Mr Vinod, he asked me to create lowercase letters "k" and "m" which always appear in sign board. I can proceed to adjust the kerning space of my font. Also, do at least 20 application so viewer can identify the effectiveness of my font. Below is the final outcome. (Fig 1.05)

Fig 1.05 Final outcome of Font 

Final letters and number in PDF:



I decided to apply my font in different colors' sign boards, I was tasked to do at least 20 application. Below are the final outcome of 20 application.(Fig 1.06-1.25)

Fig 1.06 Application 1
Fig 1.07 Application 2

Fig 1.08 Application 3

Fig 1.09 Application 4

Fig 1.10 Application 5

Fig 1.11 Application 6

Fig 1.12 Application 7

Fig 1.13 Application 8

Fig 1.14 Application 9

Fig 1.15 Application 10

Fig 1.16 Application 11

Fig 1.17 Application 12

Fig 1.18 Application 13

Fig 1.19 Application 14

Fig 1.20 Application 15

Fig 1.21 Application 16

Fig 1.22 Application 17

Fig 1.23 Application 18
Fig 1.24 Application 19

Fig 1.25 Application 20


Week 11(23/06/2020)
Specific Feedback: The idea should be proposed in this week because we don't have much time for final project.

General Feedback: For idea 1, Mr Vinod said maybe I can design a typeface for those once that have words like cautionary sign board, statement, "awas". Only need capital letters and number. Look into the sign board and identify it. Then show them what I found. Idea 2 also ok, but idea 1 is much better. The sketch not there yet. Study more, learn more how to construct the letter before sketching.

Week 12(30/06/2020)
Specific Feedback: For type that is smaller in size, the x-height should be bigger than ascender and descender.

General Feedback: I need to make sure the size of each letter is properly, refer to the Wayfinding font and construct my letter correctly.

Week 13(07/07/2020)
General Feedback: The assesment of eportfolio will be started in this week or next week. Make sure all the feedback is updated and the date is indicated. If the feedback is given from facebook message, just copy and paste it here.

Specific Feedback: Adjust the kerning space in FontLab, create lowercase "k" and "m". Remember to update the sketch in my blog. Do at least 20 application.

Week 11(23/06/2020)
Experience: Final project is really difficult because we need to consider and think for an idea that can be solved by using specific font. After this project was briefed by lecturer, I keep thinking the idea everywhere.

Observation: Some of my classmates have a really cool idea, it is interesting to see what they will develop into their font design and apply for the idea.

Findings: For my idea, I need to study a lot from other's road sign font design. It is important to study before I start to do something so I can make sure the outcome is correct.

Week 12(30/06/2020)
Experience: It is really heavy that I need to create all the roman letter and number. But this will be an experience that will improve myself a lot from the process of creating font.

Observation: Everyone is really tired during these last few week. All the works come together, we try to fix it perfectly but it makes us exhausted.

Findings: When I study into other's font, I found that the designer really has a deep consideration on it. It is a really long way to consider and think before creating a font.

Week 13(07/07/2020)
Experience: The process of creating a font is really complicated. The part of adjusting the kerning space makes me tired.

Observation: Many classmates not attending the class today. I guess they are really tired and need some time to rest. Some of the classmates create their font following the reference font, since I had this kind of experience in the first semester's typography class, I know that this is not acceptable.

Findings: Different font has its kerning space, which is really confusing. When I adjusting my font's kerning space, it is really difficult to choose a best kerning space for different letters. But this make every font unique. 


Week 11(23/06/2020) - Week 12(30/06/2020)
Book: Typography Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Using Type in Graphic Design
Author: Timothy Samara

Fig 1.26 Typography Workbook: A Real-World Guide to Using Type in Graphic Design
This week I will read this book for my further reading. From this book, I learned about the function of weight of letter. Weight change express changes in rhythm or cadence, sometimes called stress or emphasis. The use of weight changes within type is an invaluable tool for enhancing the "voice" of a text, similar to how oral communication relies on emphasis and cadence to convey subtle shades of meaning. A work or phrase set in a heavier weight from surrounding text is interpreted as being louder, more aggressive, or of greater importance. Lighter-weight text is perceived as more quiet, more reserved, less important, or as supporting a heavier text. 

For week 12's further reading, I continued read this book. This time I learned about the function of posture of letter. Posture changes the rhythmic alternation of strokes and counters within a text. Slanted type is often perceived as reading faster or having a more intense cadence than roman text around it. Italics are usually used to distinguish titles in running text as a way of reserving quotation marks for their official use - distinguishing spoken phrases. 

Week 13(07/07/2020)
Book: Digital Typography Pocket Primer
Author: Ron Goldberg

Fig 1.27 Digital Typography Pocket Primer 
This week I will use this book for my further reading. From this book, I learned some rules we should follow when setting type vertically. First, use all caps so the text will stands out. Second, do not use more than two words, or the reader will not be able to follow it easily. Third, do not use it too often, or it will distract the reader. Type should be set so it runs from top to bottom, so that the eye can move up the page. Also, use a large type size so that the text can stands out.


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