Information Design - Exercises

Week 1(07/01/2020) -Week 7(18/02/2020)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong (0340310)
Information Design


Exercises  1

Week 1(07/01/2020) : Quantify and visualize data

The first exercise, we need to use these buttons to create an interesting infographic in a A4 paper. I choose my favourite color which are buttons in blue. (Fig 1.01) When I saw these buttons, I can feel there is some different between each button such as texture, size, and the amount of hole. I started classify them to 3 textures such as Matte, Glossy and Marble. Also, I distributed them to XL, L, M,
S, and XS. I sketched out the details and my ideas in my note book. (Fig 1.02-1.04)

Fig 1.01 You can see there are some
                  different between each button.

Fig 1.02 I classified the buttons to
               different texture and sizes.

Fig 1.03 I also considered the way of
               percentage in using pie chart.

Fig 1.04 I counted the buttons and tried to
    figure out the percentage of each texture.

After considering, I decided to draw an infographic by color pencils and classify these buttons with 3 textures and 5 sizes. I tried to make the letters look like the texture it represent. Also, I tried to design the letter of size with different font I referenced from internet. I wrote the number of buttons in each blank space so lecturers can clearly understand the amount. (Fig 1.05) When I arrange the buttons on my paper,
it looks a bit messy. But luckily I can clearly understand what kind of information am I conveying from this infographic. (Fig 1.06)

Fig 1.06 The design of my infographic.

Fig 1.07 The final work.
Week 2(14/01/2020): L.A.T.C.H

For this week's exercise, Ms Anis show an example which is an infographic about Pokémon.
(Fig 2.01)She asked us to make an infographic which include the usage of L.A.T.C.H. We can
get the images of Pokémon from the link she gave, but we should draw the remaining images
by ourselves. The infographic should be done by using digital editing or illustration software.

Fig 2.01 The example lecturer show in the slides.

After referenced to the example(Fig 2.01), I tried to sketch out my ideas. For my first idea, I decided to use pokedex to place the information and a pokeball with a rainbow-look to place different colors which represent different types.(Fig 2.02) For the second idea, I think a landscape with different places is a way to distribute different types. (Fig 2.03)

Fig 2.02 The first idea

Fig 2.03 The second idea which is landscape
Through consideration, I decided to use second idea to start my assignment. By the reference, I found the other infographics use the original pokemon images mostly in their work. For me, I rather than draw the pokemon myself. My idea is to match the pokemon inside pokeball. Through Ms Anis's suggestion, I made some adjustment, you can found the pokeball gradually open through the evolution. (Fig 2.04) 

Fig 2.04 The pokemon I drew myself through some references
Fig 2.05   4 Differet types, I used gradient color to make the shade
For my landscape, I tried to make it appealing, not just a fine art style landscape. So I referenced to some flat illustration works which are simple and abundant in color sand details. For my title "POKEMON" I use BUNGEE font which is bold so I can grab the attention from the viewer. The final outcome seems not really clear in overall, but I think my work can convey the information correctly.(Fig 2.06-2.07)

Fig 2.06 I referenced to flat illustration to make my
           landscape simple but also rich in colors.
Fig 2.07 Final outcome


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