Week 6(08/10/19)-Week8(22/10/19)
Alfie Koh Che Fong (0340310)
Digital Photography & Imaging
Project 2


Week 6(01/10/19):Photo manipulation 2A


 This week our lecturer asked us bring the sketching of our idea which is choose a main subject which part of it can be replace with similar element.I showed my sketching and Mr Jeffery said he prefer the scissors one.(IMG 6.01)He asked me to decide which one I wanted to focus on.

IMG 6.01 My sketching

After discussing with Mr Jeffrey and Mr Martin,they asked us try to do every ideas roughly and choose one of the work we decided to continue.So I started with the manipulation of the blueberry(IMG 6.02) and a building which is based on Santorini(IMG 6.03).I found that the dome rooftop of the building look similar with blueberry.So I decided to replace it with blueberry.

IMG 6.02 Blueberry

IMG 6.03 A building which is based on Santorini

After finished the first one manipulation, I showed the result to Mr Martin and Mr Jeffrey.Mr Jeffrey was talking with a senior at that time,he asked me to show my result to the senior.The senior gave me some suggestion such as the adjustment of the shadow, the color, and etc.I appreciate for the suggestion.(IMG 6.04)

IMG 6.04 A blueberry onion dome

For the second work, I replaced the sword with the scissors.(IMG 6.05-6.06)Mr Jeffrey agreed with me and thought that is interesting.He said he saw a interesting movie which is fight with scissors only.Also, I replaced two people in another background cause Mr Martin thought the original background doesn't look well.He also suggest me replace at a simple stage.(IMG 6.07)

IMG 6.05

IMG 6.06 Scissor

IMG 6.07 Stage

IMG 6.08 I think I replace them in a suitable place


Mr Martin think I replace them in a good place which is suitable.

Week 7(15/10/19)-Week 8(22/10/10): Photo manipulation 2B


After last week's photo manipulation, this week we need to use After Effect to create a 5 second animation with last week's work. My idea is I wan to move the people, shadows, scissors and also the light.

IMG 7.01 Start working in after effect 

I spend a lot of time to adjust my people, scissor, and light. For the moving of people, I used puppet tool so that they can move softly. For scissor, I make two layer for my scissor which are right part and left part. I rotate both to make sure the scissor move well. For the light and shadow I also use puppet tool.(IMG 7.01)The below video is the final work.


So glad that Mr Martin said that is nice and he didn't critical in anything.


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