18/09/19-02/10/19(Week 4-Week 6)
Alfie Koh Chen Fong(0340310)
Project 1


Week 4(18/09/19):Indicating paragraph 

Pilcrow(¶): A holdover from medieval manuscrpts seldom use today.

Line spacing: The space between the end of the leadubf to the beginning of another leading.

Leading: The distance between the beardline and the capline. 3 point should be added to the text's point size to get a suitable leading.

Indentation: The same size of the line spacing or the same as the point size of your text.

The image below shows the different between line spacing, leading and line of space.(IMG 4.01)

IMG 4.01 Diffenrence between line spacing, leading and line of space

Also, we were introduced the information about orphan and widow.(IMG 4.02)

Orphan:A short line of type left alone at the end of a column of text.

Widow:A short line of type left alone at the start of a new column.

IMG 4.02 Orphan and widow in a paragraph

Highlighting Text

There is various ways can be used to highlight.
For exampls:
1.Change the typeface such as from serif to san-serif(IMG 4.03)
2.Placing a field color(IMG 4.04)
3.Place certain typographic outside the left margin column of type(IMG 4.05)
4.Bold the text
5.Change the color of the text
6.Add quotation marks(IMG 4.06)
7.Italize the text

IMG 4.03 Typeface is changing

IMG 4.04 Placing field color
IMG 4.05 Placing bullets
IMG 4.06 Add quotation marks

We need to ensure that the x-height of the type is the same. The point size of Univers has to be reduced by 0.5 pt to match with the serif font in this example.(IMG 4.07) 

IMG 4.07 The important of adjust point size
Headline wirh text

1.A headline: Head indicates a clear break between the topics within a section.

2.B headline: Indicate a new supporting argument or example for the topic at hand.

3.C headline: Highlights specific facets of material within B head text.

Image below show the using of 3 types of headlines.(IMG 4.08)

IMG 4.08 The using of 3 types of headlines

Cross alignment

Four lines of caption type cross-align with three lines of text type.(IMG 4.09)

IMG 4.09 

Week 5(25/09/19): No Lecture

This week lecturers only focus on accessing our work and told us how to improve our work.
No lecture is given this week.

Week 6(02/09/19): No Lecture

Same as last week, this week also no lecture section. Lecturers gave the final feedback
for our Project 1.



Week 4(18/09/19)-Week 6(02/09/19):Adobe InDesign and Project 1

This week lecturers introduced about Adobe InDesign, which is a very useful type setting software for our project 1.
Our lecturers told us some step to start our project 1 by InDesign.I record the step in my note book(IMG4.01)

IMG 4.01 My note book

We need to choose one of the text by 3 editorial texts which are posted in TDS group. I choose the second text which title is A designer's code of ethics. The contents attracted me and I am agree with the value which is showed in contents. I  choose it for my project 1 and I started thinking how to express it.
My first completed work was rejected by lecturers. They said I have a lot of problems in my work. That make me depress a lot but I still keep trying for my project 1.
I tried to design the title with different pattern.(IMG 4.02)

IMG 4.02 I tried to design different title

I started set up the type by using Gill Sans MT for my contents and try to contact it with the title.
(IMG 4.03)

IMG 4.03 My final work

The second work's title I was inspired by the code. I tried to design the title with the code and put my contents in only 1 page.(IMG 4.04)

IMG 4.04 Second work 

For the third work I used the word E to contact my title.I set the title in the right side of the first page.(IMG 4.05)

IMG 4.05 The third work

Week 5(25/09/19)

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul said I have a lot of problems in my project 1. They advised the heading should not be different typeface because it will difficult to manage my paragraph.
Also, they think I need to redo my project 1 follow 3 steps such as manage heading, contents and the title.

General feedback: Mr Vinod advised us it is very important to connect the text box. It might lead a lot of problem when our works are printed out. He also advised when we use the justified text, give paragraph spacing is acceptable.

Week 6(02/10/19)

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod said my project 1's hierarchy is fine, but the problem is my design of the title doesn't express anything. Mr Shamsul think the black box of the word "code" is unnecessary. They also said I need to adjust the leading of paragraph samely. For my second work, they think the font size is too big, the typeface doesn't suitable with the text.

General feedback: Mr Vinod advised us the box should not be separated. It should be connected.

Week 5(25/09/19)

Experience: I felt stress because I spent a lot of time for my project 1 but it doesn't doing well. I am in trouble with the type setting but I am glad that lecturers still advise me patiently. I need to move on for my work.

Observation: My classmates really have a good works for project 1. That showed how effort they put into.

Findings: I found that I am in trouble with the project 1. Either title or contents really made me confusing. I think I need some time to handle it.

Week 6(02/10/19)

Experience: This week I think I finally learn how to mange the typesetting. Project 1 is a hard process for me. I started scare about typography because of the project 1. But I will solve it because it is the main problem I am facing now.

Observation: Mr Vinod and Mr Shamsul spend a lot of time to check our project 1. I appreciate how patient they are. By the advise they giving really help us a lot in our works.

 Findings: I found that typography is the only course I worry about every week. But I still enjoy the process of learning.


Week 5-Week 6(25/09/19-02/10/19)

Book title: Grids
Author: Ambrose and Harris

For this week's further reading, I am starting to read this book.(IMG 5.01)

IMG 5.01

This book introduce about the principle of grid usage in graphic design. From a part of the book, I was introduced there are several ways to arrange the shapes on a page.(IMG 5.02-5.03)

IMG 5.02 Different ways to arrange shape in a page

IMG 5.03 Different ways to arrange shape in a page

It also shows us the appearance between different column numbers.(IMG 5.04)You can see that how the number of columns impact the feeling of reading.

IMG 5.04 


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